
Alison McBain
Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
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- Books
- Member Since
Aug 2018
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
24 September
- Profession
I'm a Pushcart Prize-nominated author with over two hundred short stories, poems, and articles published worldwide. My books have been honored with gold in the Literary Classics International Book Awards, as well as being finalists in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards and IAN Book of the Year. My newest novel, The New Empire, won gold in the When Words Count Pitch Week contest and was published in October 2022.
When not writing, I'm the associate editor for the literary magazine Scribes*MICRO*Fiction, co-editor of Morning Musings Magazine, and I pen an award-winning webcomic called Toddler Times. I live in Alberta, Canada.